If You Want to Succeed, You Need To Get Comfortable With Fear

If you want to become exceptional, embrace fear. Only by owning the fear of failure are we free to become our true selves.

Johannes Thor
3 min readOct 6, 2020

How far have you ever pushed yourself to get what you wanted? If you ever want to succeed, in anything, you will need to get comfortable with a lot of fear in your life.

The message that your life will be consumed by fear is not an easy pill to swallow. Believe me, as a lifelong anxiety sufferer, I wish we could have it any other way. But to quote the Mandelorian, “It is the way.”

The easy way is nowhere to be found

If you were hoping for an easy and soft way to get the best bits out of life, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I really am. But it’s no good to hold on to an illusion that will never lead you anywhere but to the back streets of life. Where you’ll miss out on the very best things that you can experience.

I get it, you probably have some reason you tell yourself why this doesn’t apply to you. You’re different, your path from rags to riches is covered with rose petals. I’ve been there and it’s a mirage at best. The truth is that it’s only in your head where that path leads to an interesting place.



Johannes Thor

Icelandic guy. Really into personal improvement. Join me to become the best version of yourself at https://begynner.com