The Two Rules That Taught Me How to be Happy

You are not to blame for everything that happens, but you are still responsible for everything in your life

Johannes Thor
7 min readOct 24, 2020

People blame others for their misfortunes. Even though I don’t know you, I know you’re guilty of it as well. Trust me on that one.

Circumstances are different for us all, but there are universal truths that we all share. There are three main themes when it comes to things we pass the blame on, things, other people, and ourselves.

It’s sometimes hard to know where we should be heading.
Photo by Anand Dandekar on

Blaming the source of the discontent

Things happen that we deem as negative and we pass the blame on another person. Imagine being cut off in traffic. You become furious and immediately blame the person who cut you off. Understandably the person who triggered the incident, at least in your mind, is to blame.

Blaming something that happened in the past

We all go through difficulties in life. Some are more fortunate than others, but we all have things in our past that changed how we view life. But these things often hold more power over us than we should allow them to. If you were shy or perhaps bullied as a kid, that experience might cause you to see other people as a threat. Even as a…



Johannes Thor

Icelandic guy. Really into personal improvement. Join me to become the best version of yourself at